Remove Ischemia Remove Pericarditis Remove Ultrasound
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You Diagnose Pericarditis at your Peril (at the Patient's Peril!)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Clinician and EKG machine read of acute pericarditis. While it is true that inferior MI has ST depression in aVL 99% of the time (Bischof and Smith), and that inferolateral ST elevation is the most common distribution for pericarditis, the ST elevation in V3 has "terminal QRS distortion (TQRSD)," (diagnostic of LAD occlusion).

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A man in his 50s with shortness of breath

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

There is also STE in lead III with reciprocal depression in aVL and I, as well as some subendocardial ischemia pattern with STD in V5-V6 and STE in aVR. Aslanger's is a combination of acute inferior OMI plus subendocardial ischemia, and due to the ischemia vectors , it has STE only in lead III. Now another, with ultrasound.

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Transient STEMI, serial ECGs prehospital to hospital, all troponins negative (less than 0.04 ng/ml)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

1.196 x STE60 in V3 in mm) + (0.059 x computerized QTc) - (0.326 x RA in V4 in mm) Third, one can do an immediate cardiac ultrasound. This rules out pericarditis, which essentially never has reciprocal ST depression. A bedside ultrasound was done by an emergency physician and simultaneously read by a cardiologist.

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A woman in her 70s with chest pain

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The differential is: Posterolateral OMI or subendocardial ischemia The distinction between posterior OMI and subendocardial ischemia can be important and sometimes difficult. Bedside ultrasound is another very important piece. Ischemic ST depression includes posterior OMI and subendocardial ischemia.

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A woman in her 20s with syncope

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A bedside cardiac ultrasound was performed with a parasternal long axis view demonstrated below: There is a large pericardial effusion with collapse of the right ventricle during systole. The second most common cause of medical cardiac tamponade is acute idiopathic pericarditis. This patient is only pseudo-stable. Her pulse is 125.

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A man in his 30s with cardiac arrest and STE on the post-ROSC ECG

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

In terms of ischemia, there is both a signal of subendocardial ischemia (STD max in V5-V6 with reciprocal STE in aVR) AND a signal of transmural infarction of the inferior wall with Q wave and STE in lead III with reciprocal STD in I and aVL. Now another, with ultrasound. The rhythm is atrial fibrillation. What is the Diagnosis?

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Chest pain and hypotension in a patient who is 3 weeks post STEMI

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The patient might be having cardiac ischemia, but if he is, it is unstable angina or non-STEMI, or perhaps he has not YET pseudonormalized, so serial ECGs may be important. Differential of peri-infarct pericardial fluid The differential includes 1) pericarditis with effusion or 2) hemopericardium. This is normal for these patients.