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Pericarditis, or Anterior STEMI? The QRS proves it.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This ECG is diagnostic of anterior STEMI. But there was some doubt as to whether it might be pericarditis because of the ST elevation in I and II, without ST depression in III. Add that to "sharp" pain and a 33 year old, and it is easy to convince yourself that this is, indeed, pericarditis. However, look closely! Lessons: 1.

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What does this ECG show?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Overall, this looks like one of the rare ECGs that is actually specific for pericarditis in my opinion. QOH versions 1 and 2 both say Not OMI, with high confidence, without any clinical context, despite the abnormal STE meeting STEMI criteria. Pericarditis maybe." There was no prior ECG for comparison.

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Chest pain: Are these really "Nonspecific ST-T wave abnormalities", as the cardiologist interpretation states?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The ECG did not meet STEMI criteria, and the final cardiology interpretation was “ST and T wave abnormality, consider anterior ischemia”. There’s only minimal ST elevation in III, which does not meet STEMI criteria of 1mm in two contiguous leads. But STEMI criteria is only 43% sensitive for OMI.[1]

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You Diagnose Pericarditis at your Peril (at the Patient's Peril!)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Clinician and EKG machine read of acute pericarditis. While it is true that inferior MI has ST depression in aVL 99% of the time (Bischof and Smith), and that inferolateral ST elevation is the most common distribution for pericarditis, the ST elevation in V3 has "terminal QRS distortion (TQRSD)," (diagnostic of LAD occlusion).

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Transient STEMI, serial ECGs prehospital to hospital, all troponins negative (less than 0.04 ng/ml)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This is a 45 yo male who had an inferior STEMI 6 months prior, was found to have severe LAD and left main disease, and was supposed to be set up for CABG a few weeks later, but did not follow up. But it could be anterior STEMI. 40% of anterior STEMI has upward concavity in all of leads V2-V6. is likely anterior STEMI).

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Why the sudden shock after a few days of malaise?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This is a value typical for a large subacute MI, n ormal value 48 hours after myocardial infarction is associated with Post-Infarction Regional Pericarditis ( PIRP ). As already mentioned, this patient could have post-infarction regional pericarditis from a large completed MI. Sinus tachycardia has many potential causes.

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Unconscious + STEMI criteria: activate the cath lab?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

ECG met STEMI criteria and was labeled STEMI by computer interpretation. J waves can also be induced by Occlusion MI (5), STEMI mimics including takotsubo and myocarditis complicated by ventricular arrhythmias (6, 7), and subarachnoid hemorrhage with VF (8). Take home : Not all STEs are STEMIs or OMIs. What do you think?