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Little guidance exists for treating inpatients with asymptomatic high blood pressure, review finds

Medical Xpress - Cardiology

A systematic review of 14 clinical practice guidelines found that guidance on inpatient management of elevated blood pressure (BP) without symptoms is lacking. According to the authors, this lack of guidance may contribute to variable practice patterns. The review is published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

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When Should We Treat Elevated Inpatient Blood Pressure?

American College of Cardiology

There is an absence of definitive randomized controlled trial data to guide inpatient blood pressure (BP) treatment. Consequently, this paucity of data has resulted in clinical equipoise, in which the benefits and risks of various treatment approaches are unclear.

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Inpatient dialysis initiation higher for patients with chronic kidney disease and heart failure

Medical Xpress - Cardiology

Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and heart failure have higher rates of inpatient dialysis initiation than those without heart failure, according to a study published online Feb. 18 in Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

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Inpatient initiation of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors: the prescribing learning curve

The British Journal of Cardiology

In conclusion, inpatient initiation of SGLT2i was safe and well tolerated in a real-world cohort of patients hospitalised with worsening HF. At discharge the proportion prescribed a beta blocker (44% to 92%), angiotensin-receptor/neprilysin inhibitor (6% to 44%) and mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonist (35% to 85%) had increased.

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Jessica Crimaldi, NP: Diagnosing, Treating Abdominal Pain in GI Inpatients


Crimaldi reviews key considerations for the diagnosis and management of bowel ischemia, diverticulitis, and small bowel obstructions in GI inpatients.

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Recurrent polymorphic ventricular tachycardia without chest pain: an unusual presentation of focal coronary artery spasm

The British Journal of Cardiology

Inpatient monitoring revealed episodes of recurrent PMVT coinciding with transient inferior ST elevation and a distinct shark fin waveform, indicating dynamic RCA occlusion. Ambulatory electrocardiography (ECG) monitoring revealed recurrent polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (PMVT).

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Inpatient Initiation of HF GDMT: What Are You Waiting For?

American College of Cardiology

MD, MACC discuss inpatient initiation of HF GDMT. In this interview, Stephen Greene, MD, FACC and Sidney C. Smith Jr.,