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Over-diagnosing MI is not* as negligent as missing it!

Dr. S. Venkatesan MD

and ICU-related anxiety stand apart in this scientific comical game of ruling out a cardiac emergency. More than that, the adversities of the tense investigative protocol can convert a misdiagnosis into a real one because that sadly includes even an overzealous poking right at the mouth of the coronary artery just o exclude a non existing MI.

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EMS 12-Lead

The attending crews were concerned for SVT with corresponding ischemic hyperacute T waves (HATW) and subsequently activated STEMI pre-hospital. Thankfully, the patient experienced an uncomplicated ICU stay and subsequently made a full recovery. Then, three minutes later… Crews activated STEMI as she deteriorated into PEA arrest.

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Another deadly triage ECG missed, and the waiting patient leaves before being seen. What is this nearly pathognomonic ECG?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

for those of you who do not do Emergency Medicine, ECGs are handed to us without any clinical context) The ECG was read simply as "No STEMI." The patient was upgraded to the ICU for closer monitoring. If this EKG were handed to you to screen from triage without any clinical information, what would you think?

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OMI Can be Diagnosed by "Pseudonormalization of ST Segments"

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

I took part in her ICU care and she was extubated and stable to transfer to a stepdown unit after a few days. Patients like her are the reason we are advocating for a change in the ACS paradigm from STEMI to OMI. Her repeat ECHO showed an improving EF of 37%.

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What will you do for this patient transferred to you who is now asymptomatic?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This is technically a STEMI, with 1.5 However, I think many practitioners might not see this as a clear STEMI, and would instead call this "borderline." They collected several repeat ECGs at the outside hospital before transport: None of these three ECGs meet STEMI criteria. This ECG was recorded on arrival: What do you think?

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Four anterior STEMIs: acute and reperfused vs. won't reperfuse, subacute and reperfused vs. not reperfused

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Echo on the day after admission showed EF of 30-35% and antero-apical wall akinesis with an LV thrombus [these frequently form in complete or near complete (no early reperfusion) anterior STEMI because of akinesis/stasis] 2 more days later, this was recorded: ST elevation is still present. The LAD has reperfused early. This was recorded 2.5

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"Pericarditis" strikes again

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

in the ICU but survived with excellent function. normal variant, not pericarditis) A Young Man with Sharp Chest pain (normal variant, not pericarditis) 24 yo woman with chest pain: Is this STEMI? The team was notified and they ordered a stat aortagram which showed type A aortic dissection from the aortic valve to the iliacs.