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New 4D imaging may detect poor pumping in deadly heart disease

Medical Xpress - Cardiology

In a new study published in iScience, Mayo Clinic researchers found that a novel 4D echo imaging method that measures cardiac strain may detect subtle changes in the heart's dysfunction during acute myocarditis, a deadly heart disease.

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HeartSciences Announces Allowance of U.S Patent for AI-ECG Assessment of Left Ventricular and Right Ventricular Heart Dysfunction


mtaschetta-millane Thu, 07/11/2024 - 10:53 July 11, 2024 — Heart Test Laboratories, Inc. AI-ECG is set to change the detection of heart disease and this latest patent further bolsters value to HeartSciences and our stakeholders.” GBD 2017 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collaborators.

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A new therapeutic target for a lethal form of heart failure: ALPK2

Science Daily - Heart Disease

Heart failure with preserved ejection function is a lethal form of heart failure, with few effective treatments. A team has now identified an enzyme, alpha-kinase 2 (ALPK2), that is specifically expressed in the heart and regulates the heart dysfunction that leads to heart failure with preserved ejection function.

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Heart–brain interaction in cardiogenic dementia: pathophysiology and therapeutic potential

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine

An increasing number of preclinical and clinical studies have confirmed a causal relationship between heart and brain diseases. Cardiogenic dementia is a cognitive impairment caused by heart dysfunction and has received increasing research attention.

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SGLT-2 Inhibitors Show Mixed Results After Heart Attack


As evidence has mounted pointing to their benefits in reducing heart failure and other forms of heart disease, researchers have sought to determine whether these drugs could help to prevent heart failure even in people without diabetes or chronic kidney disease. About 32% had Type 2 diabetes.

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EMPACT-MI Trial Outcomes Reported at ACC24: SGLT-2 Inhibitors Show Mixed Results After Heart Attack


As evidence has mounted pointing to their benefits in reducing heart failure and other forms of heart disease, researchers have sought to determine whether these drugs could help to prevent heart failure even in people without diabetes or chronic kidney disease. About 32% had Type 2 diabetes.