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Dip and plateau pattern of ventricular pressure tracing in constrictive pericarditis

All About Cardiovascular System and Disorders

Dip and plateau pattern of ventricular pressure tracing in constrictive pericarditis Thickened and stiff pericardium in chronic constrictive pericarditis has poor compliance reducing the distension of cardiac chambers to a limited fixed total volume. Invasive hemodynamics of constrictive pericarditis. Indian Heart J.

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What do you call fluid collection around the heart?

All About Cardiovascular System and Disorders

There are other tests also for tuberculous pericarditis, but they not as sure as growing the bacterium in culture. In addition to cancer and tuberculosis, any other cause of pericarditis can also cause pericardial effusion. Pericarditis is the inflammation of the outer covering of the heart.

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Differentiating Between Cardiac and Non-Cardiac Chest Pain

All About Cardiovascular System and Disorders

Another type of pain originating from the heart is due to an inflammation of its covering known as pericarditis. Pain of pericarditis can increase on swallowing and mimic pain from the food pipe. This pain occurs continuously and may increase on deep breathing like pain originating from the pleura, the covering of the lungs.

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Evaluation of JVP

All About Cardiovascular System and Disorders

That occurs in right heart failure and constrictive pericarditis. Constrictive pericarditis is an important cause for Kussmaul sign or inspiratory increase in jugular venous pressure. On the other hand, the Y descent is very prominent in constrictive pericarditis, and it is known as Friedreich’s sign.

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Brugada Syndrome: Diagnosis and Risk Stratification

All About Cardiovascular System and Disorders

They include myocardial ischemia, acute pericarditis, pulmonary embolism, external compression due to mass over the right ventricular outflow tract region, and metabolic disorders like hyper or hypokalemia and hypercalcemia. These are the conditions which have to be considered or excluded as they can sometimes manifest Brugada pattern on ECG.

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Important Normal Values for ECG

All About Cardiovascular System and Disorders

PR segment elevation and depression can occur in atrial infarction and pericarditis. When there is ST depression, even 0.5 mm is enough, to consider abormal ST. That is usually with angina and ventricular strain patterns. Those are the two conditions in which PR segment can be abnormal.