Fri.Sep 08, 2023

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ECG Blog #394 — Is QRS Morphology Disguised?

Ken Grauer, MD

The ECG in Figure-1 — was obtained from an older man with a history of prior infarction and coronary bypass surgery. How would you interpret this tracing? Clinical implications? Figure-1: The ECG in today's case. ( To improve visualization — I've digitized the original ECG using PMcardio ). MY Thoughts on the ECG in Figure-1: The rhythm in ECG #1 is sinus at ~65/minute — with an upright P wave in lead II, and a constant and normal PR interval (ie, not more than 0.21 second in duration ).

Blog 121
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50 year-old in remote rural community with chest pain and ‘normal’ ECG

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Submitted by anonymous, edited by Jesse McLaren The first person "I" and "me" is this anonymous sender. A 50 year old presented to the emergency department of a remote rural community (where the nearest cath lab is a plane ride away) with one hour of mild chest pain radiating to the back and jaw, and an ECG labeled ‘normal’ by the computer interpretation.

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Does Your Radiology Recruitment Strategy Account for Technology?


With the need to fill radiology roles with top talent — and to do so fast — hospitals are in a position where they need to step up their recruitment efforts and take action. A report from KaufmanHall found that 98% of hospital and health system leaders raised starting salaries and minimum wage while 84% introduced signing bonuses as part of their recruitment strategy.

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ECG characteristics of “true” left bundle branch block: Insights from transcatheter aortic valve–related LBBB and His-Purkinje conduction system pacing–correctable LBBB


Left bundle branch block (LBBB) pattern on the electrocardiogram includes patients with both complete conduction block in the His-Purkinje system as well as nonspecific left ventricular conduction delay without discrete block.

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Blocking interleukin-6 trans-signaling in AF: Promises and challenges


Atrial fibrillation (AF) stands as the most prevalent cardiovascular disease, posing significant risks of stroke, heart failure (HF), and other complications that contribute to morbidity and mortality. While traditional research on AF has primarily focused on electrophysiological components such as ionic currents and Ca2+ handling system, treatment strategies have mainly revolved around the rate-limiting β-blockers and Ca2+ channel blockers or rhythm-control methods such as cardioversion, antiar