Thu.Aug 31, 2023

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Contribution of Medical Devices in Personalized Medicines


Introduction Personalized medicine has emerged as a favorable healthcare approach in the last few years. The ultimate aim of personalized medicine is to provide specialized treatment to patients based on unique lifestyles, genetics, and specific health needs. To succeed in personalized medicine, we have seen medical professionals use devices like ECG machines and IVD play as they help in early diagnosis, real-time monitoring, and targeted therapies.

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Dip and plateau pattern of ventricular pressure tracing in constrictive pericarditis

All About Cardiovascular System and Disorders

Dip and plateau pattern of ventricular pressure tracing in constrictive pericarditis Thickened and stiff pericardium in chronic constrictive pericarditis has poor compliance reducing the distension of cardiac chambers to a limited fixed total volume. Transmission of intrathoracic pressure to the pericardial cavity is also prevented by thickening of the pericardium [1].

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Moderate-Intensity Statin With Ezetimibe Combination Therapy vs High-Intensity Statin Monotherapy

JAMA Cardiology

This post hoc analysis of the Randomized Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Lipid Lowering With Statin Monotherapy vs Statin/Ezetimibe Combination for High-Risk Cardiovascular Disease (RACING) randomized clinical trial investigates if a moderate-intensity statin plus ezetimibe combination therapy is a feasible therapeutic option for patients with very high-risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

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Sepsis -- as common as cancer, as deadly as a heart attack

Science Daily - Stroke

A research team has found that more than four percent of all hospital admissions in southern Sweden are associated with sepsis. It is a significantly under-diagnosed condition that can be likened to an epidemic.