Tue.Aug 22, 2023

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Ep 186 Traumatic Dental Emergencies

ECG Cases

In this part 2 of our 2-part podcast series on dental emergencies we cover traumatic dental emergencies. Dental trauma is common and often associated with facial trauma. In this episode Dr. Chris Nash and Dr. Richard Ngo answer questions like: at what age is it safe to attempt reimplantation of an avulsed tooth in the ED? What are the 3 most time-sensitive dental trauma emergencies?

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CineECG is the next step


Mayo Podcast interview: Gorgels indicates he thinks CineECG is the next step into the development of electrocardiography. In the recent weeks an ECG centered Mayo Clinic podcasts focused on CineECG. Both our co-founder and scientific director Dr. Peter van Dam and the distinguished cardiologist prof. Ton Gorgels were interviewed by dr Anthony Kashou MD of the Mayo Clinic’s ECG segment Making Waves series.

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APOE4 & Cardiovascular Risk

Dr. Paddy Barrett

Being a carrier of the APOE4 gene variant is associated with higher rates of the most common type of dementia, late-onset dementia. There are three primary variants of APOE - APOE2, APOE3 & APOE4. Everyone has two separate copies. One inherited from either parent. As a result, there are six different possible combinations. APOE 2/2, 2/3, 2/4, 3/3, 3/4, 4/4.

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Convergent Procedure to Treat Atrial Fibrillation


It is estimated that more than 12 million people in the United States will have Atrial Fibrillation, or AFib in 2030. It is one of the most commonly diagnosed heart conditions and is characterized by an irregular heartbeat or rhythm, known as arrhythmia. If left untreated, this erratic heartbeat can disrupt blood flow and lead to serious life-threatening issues like stroke or heart failure.

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Podcast CAMP 2023 Tickets on Sale Now

ECG Cases

Podcast CAMP 2023 tickets are on sale now through podcastcamp.org. Podcast CAMP the only online comprehensive course dedicated to medical education podcast production – by podcasters – for podcasters. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this interactive, small-group, hands-on immersive experience with Anton Helman will help you not only sharpen your technical podcasting skills, but give you valuable knowledge, tips and tricks to produce your own high quality educational and impactful po

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Keep fit to avoid heart rhythm disorder and stroke

Science Daily - Stroke

A study in more than 15,000 people has found that physical fitness is linked with a lower likelihood of developing atrial fibrillation and stroke. Atrial fibrillation is the most common heart rhythm disorder, affecting more than 40 million people worldwide. It is estimated that one in three Europeans will develop atrial fibrillation in their lifetime.

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Abandon one, get away mostly free, abandon two.


With the broadened use and extended longevity of implantable devices, lead abandonment has become increasingly prevalent. There is currently a lack of long-term data regarding abandoned leads, as most extraction databases do not address the issue because abandoned leads are not extracted. One study looked specifically at defibrillator leads and the incidence and reasons for extraction but did not compare the risks of abandoned leads to a matched cohort.1,2 Other studies tend to look at patients