Remove Echocardiogram Remove STEMI Remove Stents
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"Non-STEMI" is a worthless term.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A 60 yo with 2 previous inferior (RCA) STEMIs, stented, called 911 for one hour of chest pain. Here is his most recent previous ECG: This was recorded after intervention for inferior STEMI (with massive ST Elevation, see below), and shows inferior Q-waves with T-wave inversion typical of completed inferior OMI.

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Pulmonary Edema, Hypertension, and ST Elevation 2 Days After Stenting for Inferior STEMI

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A male in his 40's who had been discharged 6 hours prior after stenting of an inferoposterior STEMI had sudden severe SOB at home 2 hours prior to calling 911. Is this acute STEMI? Is this an acute STEMI? -- Unlikely! He had no chest pain. Medications were aspirin, clopidogrel, metoprolol, and simvastatin.

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What do you think the echocardiogram shows in this case?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

What do you think the echocardiogram shows? One would not expect wall motion to recover so quickly after stenting, so this is good evidence that the POCUS echo was indeed accurate. Cath lab activated Dual antiplatelet therapy and heparin given. NTG drip started. Pain better still. First trop I returns at 1.5. Is this OMI?

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See OMI vs. STEMI philosophy in action

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

He visited an outpatient clinic for it and an echocardiogram and exercise stress test was normal. In the meantime, cardiology consultant sees the patient and performs a bedside echocardiogram which revealed no major wall motion abnormalities. The lesion was successfully stented. He has 40 packs-year of smoking history.

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A man with chest pain off and on for two days, and "No STEMI" at triage.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This ECG was read as “No STEMI” with no prior available for comparison. It is true this ECG does not meet STEMI criteria (there is 1.0 The Queen of Hearts sees it of course: Still none of these three ECGs meet STEMI criteria. Two stents were placed with resultant TIMI 3 flow. What do you think? Of course not.

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Cath Lab occupied. Which patient should go now (or does only one need it? Or neither?)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A prehospital “STEMI” activation was called on a 75 year old male ( Patient 1 ) with a history of hyperlipidemia and LAD and Cx OMI with stent placement. Additionally, a bedside echocardiogram showed no wall motion abnormality and normal LV function. It was stented. He wrote most of it and I (Smith) edited.

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QS-wave in V2: 2 cases, different paradigms lead to different treatment times (STEMI - NSTEMI vs. OMI - NOMI)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Only very slight STE which does not meet STEMI criteria at this time. I am immediately worried that this OMI will not be understood, for many reasons including lack of sufficient STE for STEMI criteria, as well as the common misunderstanding of "no reciprocal findings" which is very common with this particular pattern.