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A teenager involved in a motor vehicle collision with abnormal ECG

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The ECG shows sinus tachycardia with RBBB and LAFB, without clear additional superimposed signs of ischemia. Hopefully a repeat echocardiogram will be performed outpatient. Between 81-95% of life-threatening ventricular dysrhythmias and acute cardiac failure occur within 24-48 hours of hospitalization. No cardiac MRI was done.

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A man in his 30s with cardiac arrest and STE on the post-ROSC ECG

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Then there is loss of pulses with continued narrow complex on the monitor ("PEA arrest") Learning Points: Sudden witnessed Cardiac Arrest due to ACS is almost always due to dysrhythmia. Tachycardia is of course, quite common in patients following cardiac arrest.