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ECG Cases 45 ECG in Weakness and Neurological Symptoms

ECG Cases

In this ECG Cases blog Dr. Jesse MacLaren guides us through 10 cases of patients who present with generalized weakness or acute neurologic symptoms and discusses how to look for ECG signs of dysrhythmias, electrolyte emergencies, acute coronary occlusion, and demand ischemia in patients with generalized weakness and in patients with neurologic symptoms, (..)

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Dyspnoea, dizziness and dysrhythmia in a middle-aged patient

Heart BMJ

Clinical introduction A middle-aged patient with no prior comorbidities presented to the emergency department with a sudden onset of palpitations, dizziness and progressive dyspnoea. History was negative for any cardiac disorders in the past. On examination, the pulse rate was around 190 beats/min with a systolic blood pressure of 80 mm Hg.

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Dr. Sanjay Gupta

In that sense, the term dysrhythmia is preferable because it does literally translate as a disturbance in normal rhythm which is exactly what it is meant to describe. Any unsolicited disturbance of the rate or rhythm can be termed a dysrhythmia and result in the heart beating less efficiently but only for the duration of the dysrhythmia.

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Conventional computer ECG algorithm misses another potentially deadly abnormality. How does AI perform?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Especially when present in the setting of bradycardia and syncopal episodes, this is very worrisome for high risk of lethal dysrhythmias including polymorphic ventricular fibrillation (termed Torsades when in the setting of long QT). This ECG shows sinus bradycardia with massively long QT (or QU?) interval, at over 600 msec.

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Assessment and management of asymptomatic atrial fibrillation

Heart BMJ

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained cardiac dysrhythmia encountered in practice. It is currently estimated that AF affects approximately 2% of the general population; however, the true prevalence of AF is likely to be at least 3%–4% when asymptomatic AF is considered.

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Torsade in a patient with left bundle branch block: is there a long QT? (And: Left Bundle Pacing).

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Because she has cardiomyopathy and ventricular dysrhythmias, the pacer included an Implanted Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD) Echo 6 days later after CRT: Normal estimated left ventricular ejection fraction. The septum is punctured with the active fixation screw of the lead - so essentially you bore the septum with the screw helix."

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Wide complex tachycardia, resistant to cardioversion. Some fascinating features here.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Relative contraindications to both include a known prolonged QT, especially if the dysrhythmia is believed to be caused by prolonged QT. Another benefit: Procainamide is very effective at terminating SVT. So if you are incorrect about your diagnosis, it might convert with procainamide anyway!