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A 50-something with Regular Wide Complex Tachycardia: What to do if electrical cardioversion does not work?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

I find AV dissociation in VT to be very difficult to differentiate from artifact, as there are always random blips on tachycardia tracings. Pads were placed with ultrasound guidance, so they were in the correct position. Coronary angiogram shows diffuse severe three-vessel disease. Ken notes AV dissociation.

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Torsade in a patient with left bundle branch block: is there a long QT? (And: Left Bundle Pacing).

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Bedside cardiac ultrasound showed moderately decreased LV function. Finally, do a coronary angiogram Possible alternative to pacing is to give a beta-1 agonist to increase heart rate. Even with tachycardia and a paced QRS duration of ~0.16 She was intubated. Dobutamine is an acceptable alternative. (J J Am Coll Cardiol.

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90 year old with acute chest and epigastric pain, and diffuse ST depression with reciprocal STE in aVR: activate the cath lab?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

We investigated the incidence of an acutely occluded coronary in patients presenting with STE-aVR with multi-lead ST depression. All electrocardiograms (ECGs) and coronary angiograms were blindly analyzed by experienced cardiologists. A slightly prolonged QTc ( although this is difficult to assess given the tachycardia ).

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Diffuse Subendocardial Ischemia on the ECG. Left main? 3-vessel disease? No!

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Smith comment: This patient did not have a bedside ultrasound. Had one been done, it would have shown a feature that is apparent on this ultrasound (however, this patient's LV function would not be as good as in this clip): This is recorded with the LV on the right. Aortic angiogram did not reveal aortic dissection.

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Pulmonary edema, with tachycardia and OMI on the ECG -- what is going on?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The status of the patients chest pain at this time is unknown : EKG 1, 1300: There is sinus tachycardia and artifact of low and high frequency. However, there is also significant tachycardia , with heart rate of 116, and known hypoxia. Acute coronary occlusion and acute pulmonary edema can coexist.

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Which patient needs a CT scan?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Angiogram Door to balloon time was 120 minutes (much too long) because of time taken for a CT. Coronary angiogram showed 100% mid LAD occlusion for which she received a DES with excellent angiographic result. It was not SCAD (coronary dissection) Highest troponin I was 37,000 ng/L, but it was not measured to peak.