Remove Chest Pain Remove Pericarditis Remove Risk Factors
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A 29 year old male with chest pain, ST Elevation, and very elevated troponin T

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

By Magnus Nossen This ECG is from a young man with no risk factors for CAD, he presented with chest pain. The patient is a young adult male with chest pain. The chest pain was described as pressure like and radiation to both arms and the jaw. It is easy to say pericarditis in such a case.

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ECG Blog #448 — A Young Man with Chest Pain.

Ken Grauer, MD

For example, considering whatever symptoms that the patient may have had ( ie, chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, etc. ) — what this might mean in view of the ECG we are looking at. To quote Dr. Stephen Smith: "The worst risk factor for a bad outcome in acute MI is young age."

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Healthy 45-year-old with chest pain: early repolarization, pericarditis or injury?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A healthy 45-year-old female presented with chest pain, with normal vitals. The computer interpretation was “ST elevation, consider early repolarization, pericarditis or injury.” The final cardiology interpretation confirmed the computer interpretation of “ST elevation, consider early repolarization, pericarditis or injury”.

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"Pericarditis" strikes again

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Pendell Meyers A man in his late 40s with several ACS risk factors presented with a chief complaint of chest pain. Several hours prior to presentation, while driving his truck, he started experiencing new central chest pain, without radiation, aggravating/alleviating factors, or other associated symptoms.

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A 20-something with intermittent then acute chest pain

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Healthy male under 25 years old with a pretty good story for acute onset crushing chest pain relieved with nitro. First, many on Twitter said "Pericarditis". This is NOT pericarditis, which virtually NEVER has ST depression any where except aVR. Angiogram : "Acute onset chest pressure with diaphoresis." "ECG

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You Diagnose Pericarditis at your Peril (at the Patient's Peril!)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A 40 something woman with a history of hyperlipidemia and additional risk factors including a smoking history presented with substernal chest pain radiating to "both axilla" as well as the upper back. She was reportedly "pacing in her room while holding her chest". The initial tracing (EKG 1) was obtained.

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A teenager with chest pain, a troponin below the limit of detection, and "benign early repolarization"

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

No prior exertional complaints of chest pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, or undue shortness of breath. He denied headache or neck pain associated with exertion. I sent this ECG to Dr. Smith, with the only information that it is a 17 year old with chest pain. 24 yo woman with chest pain: Is this STEMI?