Remove Chest Pain Remove Ischemia Remove STEMI
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Chest pain: Are these really "Nonspecific ST-T wave abnormalities", as the cardiologist interpretation states?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Jesse McLaren, with a very few edits by Smith A 60-year-old presented with chest pain. The ECG did not meet STEMI criteria, and the final cardiology interpretation was “ST and T wave abnormality, consider anterior ischemia”. But STEMI criteria is only 43% sensitive for OMI.[1]

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Which patient has the more severe chest pain?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

2 middle aged males presented with chest pain. Which had the more severe chest pain at the time of the ECG? Patient 2 at the bottom with a very subtle OMI complained of 10/10 chest pain at the time the ECG was recorded. 414 patients were included in the analysis.

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What happened after the Cath lab was activated for a chest pain patient with this ECG?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The patient was a middle-aged female who had acute chest pain of approximately 6 hours duration. The pain was still active at the time of evaluation. The interventional cardiologist then canceled the activation and returned the patient to the ED without doing an angiogram ("Not a STEMI"). mm STE in the posterior leads.

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Chest pain and new regional/reciprocal ECG changes compared to previous ECGs: code STEMI?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Jesse McLaren A 45 year old presented with two weeks of recurring non-exertional chest pain, now constant for an hour. Because of the ECG changes in a patient with chest pain, and with inferolateral hypokinesis on POCUS, the cath lab was activated. Below is old and then new ECG (old on top; new below).

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Serial ECGs for chest pain: at what point would you activate the cath lab?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Jesse McLaren A healthy 75 year old developed 7/10 chest pain associated with diaphoresis and nausea, which began on exertion but persisted. Below is the first ECG recorded by paramedics after 2 hours of chest pain, interpreted by the machine as “possible inferior ischemia”. What do you think?

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Chest pain with anterior ST depression: look what happens if you use posterior leads.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Jesse McLaren A 65 year old with a history of atrial flutter, CABG and end-stage renal disease on dialysis presented with 3 days of fluctuating chest pain, which was ongoing at triage. The first ECG was labeled “anterior subendocardial ischemia”, but subendocardial ischemia does not localize. What do you think?

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ECG Cases 38 – ECG Interpretation in Cocaine Chest Pain

ECG Cases

Jesse McLaren discusses some key aspects of cocaine chest pain ECG interpretation in this month's blog including: Patients with cocaine-associated chest pain require benzodiazepines +/- nitroglycerine for symptom relief, aspirin and ECG to look for signs of occlusion and reperfusion.