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Acute chest pain and ST Elevation. CT done to look for aortic dissection.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Willy Frick A 67 year old man with a history of hypertension presented with three days of chest pain radiating to his back. Due to the chest pain radiating into the patient's back, the ER physician ordered CTA chest to rule out aortic dissection. He had associated nausea, vomiting, and dyspnea.

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A man in his 40s with 3 days of stuttering chest pain

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Willy Frick A man in his early 40s with BMI 36, hypertension, and a 30 pack-year smoking history presented with three days of chest pain. He described it as a mild intensity, nagging pain on the right side of his chest with nausea and dyspnea. It started while he was at rest after finishing a workout.

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Young man with chest pain and an abnormal echocardiogram

Heart BMJ

Clinical introduction A man in his 40s with a history of hyperlipidaemia presented with intermittent, dull left-sided chest pain for 2 weeks that was not consistently exertional. Physical examination, an ECG, basic laboratories and a chest X-ray were unremarkable. A transthoracic echocardiogram was performed ( figure 1 ).

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Three prehospital ECGs in patients with chest pain

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Magnus Nossen with Edits by Grauer and Smith The ECGs in today’s case are from 3 different patients all presenting with new-onset CP ( Chest Pain ). Elevated troponins prompted an echocardiogram — which revealed an apical wall motion abnormality (WMA). Patient #1 in today's post did not get expert ECG interpretation.

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VF arrest at home, no memory of chest pain. Angiography non-diagnostic. Does this patient need an ICD? You need all the ECGs to know for sure.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Echocardiogram showed LVEF 66% with normal wall motion and normal diastolic function. He did not remember whether he had experienced any chest pain. Two subsequent troponins were down trending. Within a few days, the patient was extubated and was neurologically intact.

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Explain this ECG in the context of active chest pain, slightly elevated troponin without a delta, RCA culprit, and previous with LBBB

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A 60-something yo female presented w/ exertional chest pain for 3 days. Pain was 8/10 and constant. She has been experiencing progressively worsening exertional dyspnea and chest tightness mostly when climbing up flights of stairs since early September. But the patient has active chest pain.

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Chest Pain and Inferior ST Elevation.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A middle-aged patient with lung cancer had presented to clinic complaining of generalized malaise, cough, and chest pain. Symptoms other than chest pain (malaise, cough in a cancer patient) 2. Inclusion criteria were chest pain, at least 2 serial cTnI in 24 hours, sinus rhythm , and at least 1 ECG.