Remove Cardiac Arrest Remove Ischemia Remove STEMI
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Resuscitated from ventricular fibrillation. Should the cath lab be activated?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The ECG shows severe ischemia, possibly posterior OMI. But cardiac arrest is a period of near zero flow in the coronary arteries and causes SEVERE ischemia. It takes time for that ischemia to resolve. After cardiac arrest, I ALWAYS wait 15 minutes after an ECG like this and record another.

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Middle Aged Woman with Asystolic Cardiac Arrest, Resuscitated: Cath Lab?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This ECG is diagnostic of diffuse subendocardial ischemia. Note that they finally have laid to rest the new or presumably new LBBB as a criteria for STEMI. Also note that they allow ST depression c/w posterior MI to be a STEMI equivalent. What is the utility of a head CT in cardiac arrest? Kurkciyan et al.

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Cardiac arrest: even after the angiogram, the diagnosis is not always clear

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

STE limited to aVR is due to diffuse subendocardial ischemia, but what of STE in both aVR and V1? The last section is a detailed discussion of the research on aVR in both STEMI and NonSTEMI. Alternatively, it is a variant of diffuse subendocardial ischemia, with STE in V1 reciprocal to ST depression in inferior and lateral leads.

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Missed myocardial infarction with subsequent cardiac arrest

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Such T-waves are almost always reciprocal to ischemia in the region of aVL (although aVL looks n ormal here) , and in a patient with chest pain are nearly diagnostic of ischemia. Ischemia on the ECG can be very subtle and is easily missed. Ischemia on the ECG can be very subtle and is easily missed. Lesson : 1.

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A man in his 50s with acute chest pain who is lucky to still be alive.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

You can subscribe for news and early access (via participating in our studies) to the Queen of Hearts here: [link] queen-form This EMS ECG was transmitted to the nearby Emergency Department where it was remotely reviewed by a physician, who interpreted it as normal, or at least without any features of ischemia or STEMI.

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Cardiac Arrest, acute ST elevation and depression superimposed on LVH, but NOT due to ACS

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

There is profound LVH with anterolateral ST elevation and reciprocal ST depression in II, III, aVF, and ST depression in V5 and V6 that could all be secondary to LVH or could represent ischemia superimposed on the repolarization abnormalities of LVH: note that wherever there is ST depression, it is associated with a very high voltage R-wave.

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A Patient with Cocaine Chest Pain and Prehospital Computer interpretation of STEMI

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

911 was called and the medics recorded this ECG (unfortunately, leads V4-V6 are missing) Due to marked ST Elevation, the computer read was STEMI What do you think? See this post and associated case reports: Cardiac arrest, severe acidosis, and a bizarre ECG The patient was admitted and ruled out for acute MI by serial troponins.