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75 year old with 24 hours of chest pain, STEMI negative

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

There’s sinus bradycardia, normal conduction, normal axis, delayed R wave progression, and normal voltages. The patient has a history of CABG so some of these changes could be old, but with ongoing chest pain and bradycardia in a high risk patient this is still acute OMI until proven otherwise. Sinus bradycardia.”

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Serial ECGs for chest pain: at what point would you activate the cath lab?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

There’s competing sinus bradycardia and junctional rhythm, with otherwise normal conduction, borderline right axis, normal R wave progression and voltages. While STEMI negative, the ECG is diagnostic of proximal LAD occlusion. Transient STEMI” are often managed like non-STEMI with delayed angiography, which is very risky.

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Unconscious + STEMI criteria: activate the cath lab?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

ECG met STEMI criteria and was labeled STEMI by computer interpretation. This ECG shows a sinus bradycardia with a normal conduction pattern (normal PR, normal QRS, and normal QTc), normal axis, normal R-wave progression, normal voltages. Hypothermia can also produce bradycardia and J waves, with a pseudo-STEMI pattern.

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A man with chest pain off and on for two days, and "No STEMI" at triage.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This ECG was read as “No STEMI” with no prior available for comparison. It is true this ECG does not meet STEMI criteria (there is 1.0 Soon afterward, the patient’s symptoms return along with lightheadedness, bradycardia, and hypotension. The Queen of Hearts sees it of course: Still none of these three ECGs meet STEMI criteria.

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How will you save this critically ill patient? A fundamental and lifesaving ECG interpretation that everyone must recognize instantly.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

See our other countless hyperkalemia cases below: General hyperkalemia cases: A 50s year old man with lightheadedness and bradycardia Patient with Dyspnea. A woman with near-syncope, bradycardia, and hypotension What happens if you do not recognize this ECG instantly? Also: How did this happen? Is this just right bundle branch block?

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A woman in her 70s with bradycardia and hypotension

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

There is STE in III and aVF which does not meet STEMI criteria due to insufficient STE in lead aVF. Resuscitation was initiated and this ECG was obtained: Likely AFib (irregularly irregular) with bradycardia. The cardiologists were not familiar with this and insisted that the ECG in paced rhythm could not be used to "look for a STEMI".

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A 40-Something male with a "Seizure," Hypotension, and Bradycardia

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

There is an obvious inferior STEMI, but what else? Besides the obvious inferior STEMI, there is across the precordial leads also, especially in V1. This STE is diagnostic of Right Ventricular STEMI (RV MI). In fact, the STE is widespread, mimicking an anterior STEMI. EKG is pictured below: What do you think?