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Ep 155 Treatment of Bradycardia and Bradydysrhythmias

ECG Cases

In Part 1 of our 2-part series on bradycardia and bradydysrhythmias we discussed a practical approach with electrophysiologist Paul Dorian and EM doc Tarlan Hedayati. How is the treatment of bradycardia different in the patient with hypothermia? Cardiac ischemia? In this, part 2, we discuss details of treatment. Myxedema coma?

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An Unusual Bradycardia

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Common explanations for unusual rhythms such as this one include: i ) Hyperkalemia ( or other severe electrolyte disorder ); ii ) Recent infarction/ischemia; iii ) Sleep apnea; iv ) Severe hypothyroidism; v ) Acute neurologic catastrophe (ie, stroke, bleed, trauma, tumor ); vi ) Some other toxicity.

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A 40-Something male with a "Seizure," Hypotension, and Bradycardia

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Both of these features make inferior + RV MI by far the most likely ( Pseudoanteroseptal MI is another name for this ) There is also sinus bradycardia and t he patient is in shock with hypotension. A narrow complex bradycardia without any P-waves is also likely to respond to atropine, as it may be a junctional rhythm.

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56 year old male had 5/10 chest pain for several hours, then presented to the ED in the middle of the night with 1/10 pain.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

No ischemia. Case continued Another ECG was recorded 3 hours later, still 1/10 pain: There is sinus bradycardia with RBBB. This is a conundrum, because it is clear that the patient is having an acute MI, the ECG is dynamic, but the pain is very mild and there is no ECG evidence of active transmural ischemia.

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A woman in her 50s with chest pain and lightheadedness and "anterior subendocardial ischemia"

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The STD maximal in V1-V4 is diagnostic of acute transmural posterior wall ischemia, most likely due to posterior OMI. Subendocardial ischemia does not localize, and subendocardial ischemia presents with STD maximal in V5-6, II, and STE in aVR. Subendocardial ischemia does not localize.

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Extreme Bradycardia: a Case-Based Lesson in Pacing

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

For instance, if there were inappropriate sinus bradycardia at less than 60 bpm, the atrial pacer would take over if it is programmed to wait 1 second before firing. The T-waves of both of these beats have, coincidentally , a superimposed P-wave Clinical course: The potassium was normal, there was no ischemia or drug toxicity.

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Serial ECGs for chest pain: at what point would you activate the cath lab?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Below is the first ECG recorded by paramedics after 2 hours of chest pain, interpreted by the machine as “possible inferior ischemia”. There’s competing sinus bradycardia and junctional rhythm, with otherwise normal conduction, borderline right axis, normal R wave progression and voltages. What do you think?