Remove Bradycardia Remove Critical Care Remove Stent
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A 40-Something male with a "Seizure," Hypotension, and Bradycardia

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Both of these features make inferior + RV MI by far the most likely ( Pseudoanteroseptal MI is another name for this ) There is also sinus bradycardia and t he patient is in shock with hypotension. A narrow complex bradycardia without any P-waves is also likely to respond to atropine, as it may be a junctional rhythm.

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A 50-something with chest pain.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

He has a h/o of 3 vessel disease and stents and his pain has been on and off for days. Then the patient would have been taken to the critical care area with a defibrillator at his side while waiting for the cath lab to be ready. MY Thoughts on the ECG in Figure-1: The rhythm in ECG #1 is sinus bradycardia at ~50-55/minute.

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A Middle Aged Male diagnosed with Gastroesophageal Reflux

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This middle aged male with h/o GERD but also h/o stents presented to the ED with chest pain. The computer called "Sinus Bradycardia" only (implying that everything else is normal. The overreading Cardiologist called it only "Sinus Bradycardia" with no other findings. The rhythm in Figure-1 is sinus bradycardia and arrhythmia.

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A female in her 60s who was lucky to get expert ECG interpretation

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Submitted and written by Alex Bracey, with edits by Pendell Meyers and Steve Smith: I was walking through the critical care section of the ED when I overheard a discussion about the following ECG. Here are inferior leads, and aVL, magnified: A closer inspection of the inferior leads and aVL Sinus bradycardia. What do you think?