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A 50-something with chest pain.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This was sent by anonymous The patient is a 55-year-old male who presented to the emergency department after approximately 3 to 4 days of intermittent central boring chest pain initially responsive to nitroglycerin, but is now more constant and not responsive to nitroglycerin. It is unknown when this pain recurred and became constant.

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Serial ECGs for chest pain: at what point would you activate the cath lab?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Jesse McLaren A healthy 75 year old developed 7/10 chest pain associated with diaphoresis and nausea, which began on exertion but persisted. Below is the first ECG recorded by paramedics after 2 hours of chest pain, interpreted by the machine as “possible inferior ischemia”. What do you think?

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56 year old male had 5/10 chest pain for several hours, then presented to the ED in the middle of the night with 1/10 pain.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A 56 year old male with PMHx significant for hypertension had chest pain for several hours, then presented to the ED in the middle of the night. He reported chest pain that developed several hours prior to arrival and was 5/10 in intensity. The pain was located in the mid to left chest and developed after riding his bike.

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Texted from a former EM resident: 70 yo with syncope and hypotension, but no chest pain. Make their eyes roll!

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

No Chest Pain, but somnolent. The fact that this is syncope makes give it a far lower pretest probability than chest pain, but it was really more than syncope, as the patient actually underwent CPR and had hypotension on arrival of EMS. Here is the ED ECG (a photo of the paper printout) What do you think?

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How will you save this critically ill patient? A fundamental and lifesaving ECG interpretation that everyone must recognize instantly.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

See our other countless hyperkalemia cases below: General hyperkalemia cases: A 50s year old man with lightheadedness and bradycardia Patient with Dyspnea. A woman with near-syncope, bradycardia, and hypotension What happens if you do not recognize this ECG instantly? Also: How did this happen? Is this just right bundle branch block?

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Chest pain and shock: Is there a right ventricular OMI on this ECG? And should he undergo trancutaneous pacing?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A 50-something man presented in shock with severe chest pain. Here is his ED ECG: There is bradycardia with a junctional escape. Case continued A bedside ultrasound showed diminished LV EF and of course bradycardia. His prehospital ECG was diagnostic of inferior posterior OMI. He appeared gray in color, with cool skin.

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What would you do with acute chest pain and this ECG? You might see what the Queen thinks.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Case An 82 year old man with a history of hypertension presented to the ED with chest pain at 1211. He described his chest pain as pleuritic and reported that it started the day prior while swinging a golf club. His pain suddenly became much worse in the ED and he became acutely diaphoretic, dizzy, and hypotensive.