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ECG Blog #434 — WHY Did this Patient Arrest?

Ken Grauer, MD

Prompt cath is therefore advised if the post-ROSC shows an acute STEMI. The rhythm is regular — at a rate just over 100/minute = sinus tachycardia ( ie, the R-R interval is just under 3 large boxes in duration ). Continuing with assessment of ECG #1 in Figure-2: The rhythm is sinus tachycardia at ~110/minute.

Blog 161
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ECG Blog #431 — My New ECG-Rhythm Podcasts!

Ken Grauer, MD

Easy LINKS — — [link] — Other ECG Audio PEARLS I previously made for my ECG Blog can be found in the right column of each page on this blog just below this icon — under, "ECG Audio PEARLS". Get a post -conversion 12-lead ECG — and compare this to the initial 12-lead ECG obtained during the tachycardia!

Blog 143
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ECG Blog #380 — What is "Swirl"?

Ken Grauer, MD

Voltage for LVH is satisfied — at least by Peguero Criteria ( Sum of deepest S in any chest lead + S in V4 ≥23 mm in a woman — as discussed in ECG Blog #73 ). This point is particularly relevant regarding ECG #2 — because sinus tachycardia is seen on this earlier ECG. In the October 15, 2022 post of Dr. Smith's ECG Blog — Drs.

Blog 145
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ECG Blog #444 — CP and Aberrant SVT?

Ken Grauer, MD

But for those wanting a "simpler" approach" — Consider the following ( which I review below in my ADDENDUM ): This patient is in a wide, "ugly-looking" and seemingly regular tachycardia without P waves. Regarding Q - R - S - T Changes: There is a Q wave in lead III. R wave progression is not normal.

Blog 101
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ECG Blog #386 — OMI or Something Else?

Ken Grauer, MD

By the P s, Q s, 3 R Approach ( as reviewed in ECG Blog #185 ): The Q RS complex is obviously wide. Given the rapid rate of the tachycardia and the amorphous shape of the QRS — the decision was made to sedate the patient and cardiovert. ECG Blog #185 — Systematic P s, Q s, 3 R Approach to Rhythm Interpretation.

Blog 78
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A man in his 40s with acute chest pain. What do you think?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

It's a very "fun" ECG, with initial ectopic atrial tachycardia (negative P waves in inferior leads conducting 1:1 with the QRSs), followed by spontaneous resolution to sinus rhythm. In the available view of the sinus rhythm, we see normal variant STE which probably meets STEMI criteria in V4 and V5. Triage ECG: What do you think?

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Tachycardia must make you doubt an ACS or STEMI diagnosis; put it all in clinical context

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

He was rushed by residents into our critical care room with a diagnosis of STEMI, and they handed me this ECG: There is sinus tachycardia with ST elevation in II, III, and aVF, as well as V4-V6. At first glance, it seems the patient is having a STEMI. Then ACS (STEMI) might be primary; this might be cardiogenic shock.