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Is OMI an ECG Diagnosis?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Jesse McLaren A 70 year old with prior MIs and stents to LAD and RCA presented to the emergency department with 2 weeks of increasing exertional chest pain radiating to the left arm, associated with nausea. The patient was transferred to CCU to consider surgical options. Clin Cardiol 2022 4. Herman, Meyers, Smith et al.

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What if your system adopted the recommendation that a computer "normal" ECG need not be shown to the doctor?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Successful drug-eluting stent placement opening up 95% mid RCA stenosis to 0% residual Nonobstructive left system disease. We have shown many examples of this on this blog. Emergency department Code STEMI patients with initial electrocardiogram labeled ‘normal’ by computer interpretation: a 7-year retrospective review.

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A man in his early 40s with chest pain a "normal ECG" by computer algorithm. Should we avoid interrupting a physician to interpret his ECG?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

LAD and D1 were stented, but flow unfortunately could not be well restored despite efforts (they list the post intervention TIMI flow still as 0). And they of course activated the cath lab immediately, where he was found to have acute thrombotic occlusion (TIMI 0) of the proximal LAD, as well as embolic D1 occlusion. Am J Emerg Med.

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See how bad the outcome can be if you don't know OMI findings on the ECG, and don't use the Queen of Hearts

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Because: 1) He has been reading this blog for a long time. The attending provider wrote “Agree with electrocardiogram interpretation”. All three lesions had TIMI 2 flow prior to stenting. This is an RAO cranial projection of the left coronary vessels after thrombectomy and stenting. Normal EKG”. Normal ECG.

Outcomes 113
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Should Emergency Physicians be interrupted by ECGs that are read as "Normal" by the computer?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

He was found to have a 100% circumflex lesion for which a bare metal stent was placed. Laurence Katz and Jonathan Jones Safety of Computer Interpretation of Normal Triage Electrocardiograms (pages 120–124). It is not subtle any more. Interventional cardiology was consulted and patient was taken to the cath lab. References : 1.

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Precordial ST depression. What is the diagnosis?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The OM-1 was opened and stented, then the LAD was stented 3 days later. The LAD had a 75% proximal lesion that by fractional flow reserve was hemodynamically significant. So there was 3-vessel disease, but with an acute posterior STEMI. The acute infarct-related artery was off the circumflex and the affected wall was posterior (STEMI).

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An ECG with only «marginal» change

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The culprit lesion was opened and stented. Below is the post -PCI electrocardiogram. For those in search of brief review of the Cabrera Format for ECG recording — Please check out My Comment at the bottom of the page in the October 26, 2020 post in Dr. Smith's ECG Blog. The ST elevation in lead aVL has disappeared.