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"Non-STEMI" is a worthless term.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A 60 yo with 2 previous inferior (RCA) STEMIs, stented, called 911 for one hour of chest pain. Here is his most recent previous ECG: This was recorded after intervention for inferior STEMI (with massive ST Elevation, see below), and shows inferior Q-waves with T-wave inversion typical of completed inferior OMI. ng/mL (quite large).

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Takotsubo Stress Cardiomyopathy, with Echocardiogram

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This case was posted on the [link] ultrasound site, of which this ECG blog is a part. In this case, the ECG never mimicked a STEMI. I will proceed to post a couple cases in which SCM does mimic STEMI. However, only the first ECG was shown, and it was recorded before the patient became ill.

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What do you think the echocardiogram shows in this case?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

What do you think the echocardiogram shows? I have posted previous such cases, but in searching my own blog, I could not find them. Here is the ED ECG on arrival: Less STE/STD Provider's Clinical Impression: "findings concerning for myocardial infarction, likely proximal LAD or Left main." NTG drip started. Pain better still.

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A man in his 40s with acute chest pain. What do you think?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

In the available view of the sinus rhythm, we see normal variant STE which probably meets STEMI criteria in V4 and V5. In other words, the inferior "ST elevation" is due to the abnormal rhythm, and does not signify OMI or STEMI in any way. It is a known OMI mimic that we have shown on the blog many times.

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What if your system adopted the recommendation that a computer "normal" ECG need not be shown to the doctor?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Now it is a full blown STEMI of 3 myocardial territories: inferior, posterior, and lateral But at least it does not call it "Normal." Formal echocardiogram: Systolic function is at the lower limits of normal. Learning Points: You cannot trust conventional algorithms even to find STEMI(+) OMI, even when they say "normal ECG."

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Tachycardia must make you doubt an ACS or STEMI diagnosis; put it all in clinical context

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

He was rushed by residents into our critical care room with a diagnosis of STEMI, and they handed me this ECG: There is sinus tachycardia with ST elevation in II, III, and aVF, as well as V4-V6. At first glance, it seems the patient is having a STEMI. ACS and STEMI generally do not cause tachycardia unless there is cardiogenic shock.

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Transient STEMI, serial ECGs prehospital to hospital, all troponins negative (less than 0.04 ng/ml)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This is a 45 yo male who had an inferior STEMI 6 months prior, was found to have severe LAD and left main disease, and was supposed to be set up for CABG a few weeks later, but did not follow up. But it could be anterior STEMI. 40% of anterior STEMI has upward concavity in all of leads V2-V6. is likely anterior STEMI).