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ECG Cases 45 ECG in Weakness and Neurological Symptoms

ECG Cases

In this ECG Cases blog Dr. Jesse MacLaren guides us through 10 cases of patients who present with generalized weakness or acute neurologic symptoms and discusses how to look for ECG signs of dysrhythmias, electrolyte emergencies, acute coronary occlusion, and demand ischemia in patients with generalized weakness and in patients with neurologic symptoms, (..)

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Dr. Sanjay Gupta

In that sense, the term dysrhythmia is preferable because it does literally translate as a disturbance in normal rhythm which is exactly what it is meant to describe. Any unsolicited disturbance of the rate or rhythm can be termed a dysrhythmia and result in the heart beating less efficiently but only for the duration of the dysrhythmia.

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A teenager involved in a motor vehicle collision with abnormal ECG

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

See these publications for more information Overall, management for cardiac contusion is mostly supportive unless surgical complications develop, involving appropriate treatment of dysrhythmias and hemodynamic instability. Figure-1: The initial ECG in today's case. What are the ECG Findings of Cardiac Contusion?

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A young woman with palpitations. What med is she on? With what medication is she non-compliant? What management?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Flecainide : This is a potentially dangerous Na channel blocker which can cause ventricular dysrhythmias including ventricular fibrillation. For more on AFlutter — Please check out My Comment in the November 12, 2019 post and the May 1, 2023 post in Dr. Smith's ECG Blog ). She is already anti-coagulated, so that is not an issue.

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A 50-something with Regular Wide Complex Tachycardia: What to do if electrical cardioversion does not work?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

If you don't know what the dysrhythmia is, then try procainamide. Lessons from Today's CASE: I've reviewed "My Take" on ECG interpretation of the regular WCT rhythm on many occasions in Dr. Smith's ECG Blog ( See My Comment at the bottom of the page in the June 23, 2023 post , among many others ). What to do now?

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Wide complex tachycardia, resistant to cardioversion. Some fascinating features here.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Relative contraindications to both include a known prolonged QT, especially if the dysrhythmia is believed to be caused by prolonged QT. Another benefit: Procainamide is very effective at terminating SVT. So if you are incorrect about your diagnosis, it might convert with procainamide anyway!

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How to wean off Beta-blockers

Dr. Sanjay Gupta

A lot of people have contacted me and asked me as to how to safely stop Beta blockers and therefore I thought I would do a quick blog on this subject. There have also been reports of heart failure status worsening and blood pressure going up excessively. This is termed as ‘Acute beta blocker withdrawal syndrome’.