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Is there OMI on this ECG?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The patient with no prior cardiac history presented in the middle of the night with acute chest pain, and had this ECG recorded during active pain: I did not see any ischemia on this electrocardiogram. The patient has active chest pain, so if these are abnormally large T-waves This link shows 13 blog posts of Posterior Reperfusion T-waves.

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Chest pain and shock: Is there a right ventricular OMI on this ECG? And should he undergo trancutaneous pacing?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Here is his ED ECG: There is bradycardia with a junctional escape. Case continued A bedside ultrasound showed diminished LV EF and of course bradycardia. A 12-lead electrocardiogram, lead V4R , and leads V7-9 were recorded on admission. He appeared gray in color, with cool skin. What is the atrial activity?

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A middle-aged woman with chest pain and a "normal" ECG in triage

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The computer interpreted the ECG (GE Marquette 12 SL) as: "Sinus Bradycardia. Here it is: Computer interpretation: "Sinus bradycardia. Comment This paper has received some press recently: Safety of Computer Interpretation of Normal Triage Electrocardiograms The algorithm used was also the GE Marquette 12 SL. Normal ECG."

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See OMI vs. STEMI philosophy in action

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Smith , d and Muzaffer Değertekin a DIFOCCULT: DIagnostic accuracy oF electrocardiogram for acute coronary OCClUsion resuLTing in myocardial infarction. His first electrocardiogram ( ECG) is given below: --Sinus bradycardia. As he seemed very agitated, fentanyl and diazepam were given.

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A female in her 60s who was lucky to get expert ECG interpretation

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Here are inferior leads, and aVL, magnified: A closer inspection of the inferior leads and aVL Sinus bradycardia. I had no history on the case and no prior ECG for comparison. What do you think? The T-wave in lead III is slightly tall and broad (increased area under the curve) compared to its QRS complex.

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Hyperthermia and ST Elevation

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Induced Brugada-type electrocardiogram, a sign for imminent malignant arrhythmias. Figure-1: ECG criteria for diagnosis of a Brugada-1 or Brugada-2 pattern ( See text ). == N OTE : There are numerous additional cases regarding Brugada pattern ECGs by Dr. Smith on this blog ( Simply search for Brugada Syndrome! ).

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A young F is hyperthermic, delirious, and dry: Fever-induced Brugada? Diphenhydramine toxicity? Tricyclic?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Regardless of further evaluation, she should avoid bradycardia, AV nodal blockers, Na channel blockers, and fevers. --If Fever not only unmasks a Brugada-type electrocardiogram (ECG) but also increases the risk of ventricular tachyarrhythmias such as ventricular fibrillation (VF) or sudden cardiac death. 8, 2019 ) — ( Jan.