Remove Atrial Flutter Remove Ischemia Remove Physiology
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A young woman with palpitations. What med is she on? With what medication is she non-compliant? What management?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Atrial flutter with 2:1 conduction. The atrial flutter rate is approximately 200 bpm, with 2:1 AV conduction resulting in ventricular rate almost exactly 100 bpm. Further history revealed she had new onset atrial flutter soon after her aortic surgery, and was put on flecainide approximately 1 month ago.

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Arrhythmia? Ischemia? Both? Electricity, drugs, lytics, cath lab? You decide.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The rhythm differential for narrow, regular, and tachycardic is sinus rhythm, SVT (encompassing AVNRT, AVRT, atrial tach, etc), and atrial flutter (another supraventricular rhythm which is usually considered separately from SVTs). Therefore this patient is either in some form of SVT or atrial flutter.

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A 50 year old man with sudden altered mental status and inferior STE. Would you give lytics? Yes, but not because of the ECG!

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

There is the appearance of STE in inferior leads II, III, and aVF (with STD in aVR), but this is entirely due to flutter waves which are only seen in those leads. Also, the atrial flutter in this case is relatively slow like in many other cases we've shown. Atrial Flutter with Inferior STEMI? Is this inferor STEMI?

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A fascinating electrophysiology case. What is this wide complex tachycardia, and how best to manage it?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The ECG was interpreted as showing atrial flutter with 2:1 conduction. Are you confident there is no ischemia? The heart rate could be compatible with that of a 2:1 conducted atrial flutter. Also, lead I could give the initial impression of showing flutter waves. Do you agree with this strategy?

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ECG Blog #370 — A Post-Arrest Tachycardia.

Ken Grauer, MD

At about this point in the process — I like to take a closer LOOK at the 12-lead tracing, to ensure there is no acute ischemia or infarction that might need immediate attention. PEARL # 3: At this point — the most time-efficient step for solving today's rhythm will be to determine the nature of atrial activity.

Blog 78
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Chest pain and rapid pacing followed by an unexplained wide complex tachycardia. Time for cardioversion?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

No evidence for ischemia jumps out. Conduction system pacing" is a newer technique that is being studied as a way of delivering more physiologic pacing, typically by inserting a lead into the area of the left bundle branch, or the bundle of His. He said he had had three episodes of chest pain that day while urinating.

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Emergency Department Syncope Workup: After H and P, ECG is the Only Test Required for Every Patient.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Evidence of acute ischemia (may be subtle) vii. ST segment and T wave abnormalities consistent with or possibly related to myocardial ischemia. Fourth, syncope in the elderly often results from polypharmacy and abnormal physiologic responses to daily events. 2nd or 3rd degree AV blocks or sinus pause of at least 2 seconds iv.