Remove Atrial Fibrillation Remove Dysrhythmia Remove Electrophysiology
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A young man with another episode of tachycardia. What is it? And why give adenosine in sinus rhythm?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The differential of wide complex irregularly irregular includes: polymorphic VT, atrial fibrillation with WPW, atrial fibrillation with other aberrancy. Thus, the patients rhythm is atrial fibrillation with WPW. With that in mind, how would you proceed with treatment?

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New Onset Heart Failure and Frequent Prolonged SVT. What is it? Management?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Patient course The patient was started on beta blockers and schedule for an electrophysiologic study. Atrial Flutter is a type of atrial tachycardia which is "Macro-reentrant," meaning that the re-entry loop is quite large, encircling much of the atrium, and you can actually see that loop on the surface 12-lead as flutter waves.

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Emergency Department Syncope Workup: After H and P, ECG is the Only Test Required for Every Patient.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Dysrhythmia, pacer), 4) valvular heart disease, 5) FHx sudden death, 6) volume depletion, 7) persistent abnormal vitals, 8) primary CNS event __ 3) Mendu ML et al. Electrophysiologic studies were performed in selected patients only as clinically appropriate. Logistic regression was used to identify predictors for the risk-score system.