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Serial ECGs for chest pain: at what point would you activate the cath lab?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

There’s competing sinus bradycardia and junctional rhythm, with otherwise normal conduction, borderline right axis, normal R wave progression and voltages. While STEMI negative, the ECG is diagnostic of proximal LAD occlusion. Transient STEMI” are often managed like non-STEMI with delayed angiography, which is very risky.

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A 40-Something male with a "Seizure," Hypotension, and Bradycardia

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

There is an obvious inferior STEMI, but what else? Besides the obvious inferior STEMI, there is across the precordial leads also, especially in V1. This STE is diagnostic of Right Ventricular STEMI (RV MI). In fact, the STE is widespread, mimicking an anterior STEMI. Here is full text of this article.

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What are treatment options for this rhythm, when all else fails?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The ECG shows obvious STEMI(+) OMI due to probable proximal LAD occlusion. There was no evidence bradycardia leading up to the runs of PMVT ( as tends to occur with Torsades ). baseline (this is what most recommend but seems like far too much QRS widening to me) = See these articles and this graphic: 1.

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Another deadly and confusing ECG. Are you still one of the many people who will be fooled by this ECG, or do you recognize it instantly?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Despite the clinical context, Cardiology was consulted due to concerns for a "STEMI". Hyperkalemia causes peaked T waves and the "killer B's of hyperkalemia", including bradycardia, broad QRS complexes, blocks of the AV node and bundle branches, Brugada morphology, and otherwise bizarre morphology including sine wave. With a twist.

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Tachycardia, fever to 105, and ischemic ST Elevation -- a Bridge too Far

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A prehospital ECG was recorded (not shown and not seen by me) which was worrisome for STEMI. A previous ECG from 4 years prior was normal: This looks like an anterior STEMI, but it is complicated by tachycardia (which can greatly elevate ST segments) and by the presentation which is of fever and sepsis.

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1 hour of CPR, then ECMO circulation, then successful defibrillation.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

There is sinus bradycardia with one PVC. This is a troponin I level that is almost exclusively seen in STEMI. So this is either a case of MINOCA, or a case of Type II STEMI. If the arrest had another etiology (such as old scar), and the ST elevation is due to severe shock, then it is a type II STEMI.

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85 year old with chest pain, STEMI negative, then normal troponin but with relatively large delta: discharge?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

There’s sinus bradycardia, first degree AV block, normal axis, delayed R wave progression, and normal voltages. There’s minimal concave ST elevation in III which does not meet STEMI criteria, so this ECG is "STEMI negative". Use STEMI criteria to identify acute coronary occlusion: the ECG was STEMI negative 2.