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Protruding Aortic Plaque and Coronary Plaque Vulnerability

Journal of the American Heart Association

BackgroundProtruding aortic plaque is known to be associated with an increased risk for future cardiac and cerebrovascular events. Coronary plaque characteristics were compared to evaluate coronary plaque vulnerability in patients with protruding aortic plaque on computed tomography angiography.

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Aortic Arch Plaques and the Long-Term Risk of Stroke and Cardiovascular Events in the Statin Era

Stroke Journal

BACKGROUND:Aortic arch plaques are associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke in patients with cryptogenic stroke or prior embolic events. Arch plaques were assessed by suprasternal transthoracic echocardiography; plaques ≥4 mm in thickness were classified as large plaques. Stroke, Ahead of Print.

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Imaging Biomarkers and Prevalence of Complex Aortic Plaque in Cryptogenic Stroke: A Systematic Review

Journal of the American Heart Association

BackgroundComplex aortic plaque (CAP) is a potential embolic source in patients with cryptogenic stroke (CS). Most studies (74%) used ≥4 mm plaque thickness as the imaging criterion for CAP although ≥1 mm (N=1, CTA), ≥5 mm (N=5, TEE), and ≥6 mm (N=2, CTA) were also reported. 0.41],I2=94%). I2=95%) for TEE; 0.23 (95% CI, 0.15–0.34;I2=87%)

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Abstract 4145631: A Rare Case of Sequential Impella Mechanical Failures due to Infective Endocarditis Vegetations


Description of Case:A 64-year-old male with complex medical history, including infective endocarditis of the aortic valve requiring surgical replacement with a bioprosthetic valve and recurrent infective endocarditis of the bioprosthetic valve, presented with two hours of crushing chest pain and found to have ST elevations.

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Carbonylation of Runx2 at K176 by 4-Hydroxynonenal Accelerates Vascular Calcification


Sections of coronary atherosclerotic plaques from donors were immunostained to analyze calcium deposition and 4-HNE. 4-HNE promoted calcification of both mouse aortic smooth muscle cells and human aortic smooth muscle cells and their osteochondrogenic differentiation in vitro.

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Novel UV?B Phototherapy With a Light?Emitting Diode Device Prevents Atherosclerosis by Augmenting Regulatory T?Cell Responses in Mice

Journal of the American Heart Association

Irradiation of 282 nm UV‐B but not 301 or 312 nm UV‐B significantly reduced the development of aortic root atherosclerotic plaques and plaque inflammation.

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Defective Bile Acid Signaling Promotes Vascular Dysfunction, Supporting a Role for G?Protein Bile Acid Receptor 1/Farnesoid X Receptor Agonism and Statins in the Treatment of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Journal of the American Heart Association

Mice lackingFxrandGpbar1−/−/Fxr−/−display hypotension and aortic inflammation, along with altered intestinal permeability that deteriorates with age, and severe dysbiosis, along with dysregulated bile acid synthesis. Vasomotor activities of aortic rings were altered byGpbar1andFxrgene ablation.

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