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Who Needs a CT Coronary Angiogram?

All About Cardiovascular System and Disorders

CT coronary angiograms are increasing in popularity as a non-invasive screening test for detecting blocks in coronary arteries. Coronary arteries are blood vessels supplying oxygenated blood to the heart. Angiograms are images of blood vessels, usually obtained by injecting medications for contrast from body structures.

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A 30-something woman with intermittent CP, a HEART score of 2 and a Negative CT Coronary Angiogram on the same day

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A 34 yo woman with a history of HTN, h/o SVT s/p ablation 2006, and 5 months post-partum presented with intermittent central chest pain and SOB. She had one episode of pain the previous night and two additional episodes early on morning the morning she presented. Deep breaths are painful and symptoms come and go.

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Rise of the Lysenkoist Cardiologists

Dr. Anish Koka

Knowledge of this fundamental pillar of biology should drive how cardiologists approach men and women being evaluated for the presence of significant coronary disease. Atypical angina is classified as having any two of the three symptoms, and non-anginal pain any one of the three symptoms. versus 66.3%; P =0.004), older age (62.4±7.9