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Pulmonary Edema, Hypertension, and ST Elevation 2 Days After Stenting for Inferior STEMI

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A male in his 40's who had been discharged 6 hours prior after stenting of an inferoposterior STEMI had sudden severe SOB at home 2 hours prior to calling 911. He had diffuse crackles on exam and B-lines on chest ultrasound, and chest x-ray also confirmed pulmonary edema. Is this acute STEMI? Is this an acute STEMI? -- Unlikely!

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Tachycardia must make you doubt an ACS or STEMI diagnosis; put it all in clinical context

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

He was rushed by residents into our critical care room with a diagnosis of STEMI, and they handed me this ECG: There is sinus tachycardia with ST elevation in II, III, and aVF, as well as V4-V6. At first glance, it seems the patient is having a STEMI. ACS and STEMI generally do not cause tachycardia unless there is cardiogenic shock.

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Transient STEMI, serial ECGs prehospital to hospital, all troponins negative (less than 0.04 ng/ml)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This is a 45 yo male who had an inferior STEMI 6 months prior, was found to have severe LAD and left main disease, and was supposed to be set up for CABG a few weeks later, but did not follow up. But it could be anterior STEMI. 40% of anterior STEMI has upward concavity in all of leads V2-V6. is likely anterior STEMI).

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Subacute AnteroSeptal STEMI, With Persistent ST elevation and Upright T-waves

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Thus, this is BOTH an anterior and inferior STEMI in the setting of RBBB. How old is this antero-inferior STEMI? Although acute anterior STEMI frequently has narrow QR-waves within one hour of onset (1. the presence of such well developed, wide, anterior Q-wave suggests completed transmural STEMI. Could it be acute (vs.

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Two patients with chest pain and RBBB: do either have occlusion MI?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The prehospital and ED computer interpretation was inferior STEMI: There’s normal sinus rhythm, first degree AV block and RBBB, normal axis and normal voltages. The paramedic notes called STEMI into question: “EMS disagree with monitor for STEMI callout. Vitals were normal except for oxygen saturation of 94%. Vitals were normal.

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What can you find with continuous ST monitoring in the ED?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Case continued A bedside cardiac ultrasound revealed grossly preserved left ventricular function, no appreciable wall motion abnormality, pericardial effusion, or obvious valvular abnormality. The terminal part of the T-wave is inverted in lead III, and reciprocally terminally upright in lead aVL. Another EKG was also obtained.

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PseudoSTEMI and True ST elevation in Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB). Don't miss case 4 at the bottom.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

It may be difficult to read STEMI in the setting of RBBB. There is, however, a long QT also, with abnormal T-waves, but this is not STEMI. An elderly patient with a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: Formal ECG Interpretation (final read in the chart!) : "Inferior ST elevation, lead III, with reciprocal ST depression in aVL."