Remove Aneurysm Remove STEMI Remove Stent
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Pulmonary Edema, Hypertension, and ST Elevation 2 Days After Stenting for Inferior STEMI

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A male in his 40's who had been discharged 6 hours prior after stenting of an inferoposterior STEMI had sudden severe SOB at home 2 hours prior to calling 911. Is this acute STEMI? Is this an acute STEMI? -- Unlikely! He had no chest pain. Medications were aspirin, clopidogrel, metoprolol, and simvastatin.

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Chest pain and a computer ‘normal’ ECG. Therefore, there is no need for a physician to look at this ECG.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Old ‘NSTEMI’ A history of coronary artery disease and a stent to the same territory further increases pre-test likelihood of acute coronary occlusion, including in-stent thrombosis. The patient had a history of ‘NSTEMI’ a decade prior, with an RCA stent. So this NSTEMI was likely a STEMI(-)OMI with delayed reperfusion.

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Four anterior STEMIs: acute and reperfused vs. won't reperfuse, subacute and reperfused vs. not reperfused

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Echo on the day after admission showed EF of 30-35% and antero-apical wall akinesis with an LV thrombus [these frequently form in complete or near complete (no early reperfusion) anterior STEMI because of akinesis/stasis] 2 more days later, this was recorded: ST elevation is still present. An open 90% LAD was stented.

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QS-wave in V2: 2 cases, different paradigms lead to different treatment times (STEMI - NSTEMI vs. OMI - NOMI)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Only very slight STE which does not meet STEMI criteria at this time. I am immediately worried that this OMI will not be understood, for many reasons including lack of sufficient STE for STEMI criteria, as well as the common misunderstanding of "no reciprocal findings" which is very common with this particular pattern. 6.5 = 0.38.

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Chest Pain, ST Elevation, and an Elevated Troponin: Should we Activate the Cath Lab?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

These elevations meet STEMI criteria ( ≥ 1mm in 2 contiguous leads). However, old MI w/aneurysm morphology (persistent ST-Elevation) can look just like this. While this may be change that is reciprocal to an Acute/Subacute Inferior STEMI, the problem is that LV aneurysm may also manifest with this reciprocal change.

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LVH with anterior ST Elevation. When is it anterior STEMI?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

would require the ST/S ratio to be 25% for diagnosis of STEMI in LVH. The physician was concerned about STEMI, but also worried that she was overreacting, with the potential that LVH was producing a "STEMI-mimic." Can you diagnose an ACO (STEMI) when you also have LVH? Is LVH like left ventricular aneurysm?

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Cath Lab occupied. Which patient should go now (or does only one need it? Or neither?)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A prehospital “STEMI” activation was called on a 75 year old male ( Patient 1 ) with a history of hyperlipidemia and LAD and Cx OMI with stent placement. The EKG is diagnostic of acute inferior, posterior, and lateral OMI superimposed on “LV aneurysm” morphology. It was stented. He wrote most of it and I (Smith) edited.