Remove Aneurysm Remove STEMI Remove Stenosis
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Chest pain and a computer ‘normal’ ECG. Therefore, there is no need for a physician to look at this ECG.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Smith : Old inferior MI with persistent ST Elevation ("inferior aneurysm") has well-formed Q-waves. In inferior aneurysm, we usually see QR-waves, whereas for anterior aneurysm, we see QS-waves (no R- or r-wave at all!). So this NSTEMI was likely a STEMI(-)OMI with delayed reperfusion. Deutch et al.

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Transient STEMI, serial ECGs prehospital to hospital, all troponins negative (less than 0.04 ng/ml)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This is a 45 yo male who had an inferior STEMI 6 months prior, was found to have severe LAD and left main disease, and was supposed to be set up for CABG a few weeks later, but did not follow up. But it could be anterior STEMI. 40% of anterior STEMI has upward concavity in all of leads V2-V6. is likely anterior STEMI).

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QS-wave in V2: 2 cases, different paradigms lead to different treatment times (STEMI - NSTEMI vs. OMI - NOMI)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Only very slight STE which does not meet STEMI criteria at this time. I am immediately worried that this OMI will not be understood, for many reasons including lack of sufficient STE for STEMI criteria, as well as the common misunderstanding of "no reciprocal findings" which is very common with this particular pattern. 6.5 = 0.38.

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Cath Lab occupied. Which patient should go now (or does only one need it? Or neither?)

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A prehospital “STEMI” activation was called on a 75 year old male ( Patient 1 ) with a history of hyperlipidemia and LAD and Cx OMI with stent placement. The EKG is diagnostic of acute inferior, posterior, and lateral OMI superimposed on “LV aneurysm” morphology. Angiography revealed a 30% nonobstructive stenosis of the mid LAD.

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Chest Pain in a Male in his 20's; Inferior ST elevation: Inferior lead "early repol" diagnosed. Is it?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

We have found in our study comparing inferior STEMI (manuscript in preparation) to inferior early repol several distinguishing characteristics. It showed a 99% stenosis in the RCA, and proximal to a posterolateral branch. A coronary aneurysm was found. Is this inferior ST elevation due to "early repolarization"? Lessons: 1.

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PseudoSTEMI and True ST elevation in Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB). Don't miss case 4 at the bottom.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

It may be difficult to read STEMI in the setting of RBBB. There is, however, a long QT also, with abnormal T-waves, but this is not STEMI. An elderly patient with a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: Formal ECG Interpretation (final read in the chart!) : "Inferior ST elevation, lead III, with reciprocal ST depression in aVL."

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A man in his 50s with chest pain

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Barely any STE, and thus not meeting STEMI criteria. Annals of Emergency Medicine Cardiology was called to evaluate the patient immediately for emergent cath, but they stated that the ECG did not meet STEMI criteria and elected to wait for further information before proceeding with cath. He was given 6mg IV morphine for ongoing pain.