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Chest pain and new regional/reciprocal ECG changes compared to previous ECGs: code STEMI?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The biggest problem with STEMI criteria are false negatives – because this costs patient’s myocardium, with greater mortality and morbidity. For this reason, ECGs need first to be interpreted in isolation, and then applied to the patient. Could this false positive cath lab activation been prevented? GREAT case by Dr. McLaren!

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Is this Septal STEMI/OMI? Many examples of Septal STEMI/OMI

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This ECG was texted to me with the implied question "Is this a STEMI?": I responded that it is unlikely to be a STEMI. Septal STEMI often has ST depression in V5, V6, reciprocal to V1. Then combine with clinical presentation and low pretest probability 2 Saddleback STEMIs A Very Subtle LAD Occlusion.T-wave wave in V1??

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Doctor, should we activate the hospital's "STEMI alert"?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

They wanted to know if I would like them to activate the outside hospital's "STEMI alert." But of course, this is not a STEMI by definition as it does not meet STEMI criteria. The STEMI guidelines do state that hyperacute T-waves "may indicate early acute myocardial infarction" but do not discuss it as a "STEMI equivalent."

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Why every cardiologist is guilty, in a fundamental Issue in STEMI management ?

Dr. S. Venkatesan MD

Time window s for intervention for thrombolysis in STEMI starts from onset of chest pain, but when it comes to primary PCI, a different time window takes the center stage pushing the former to the background. How can we have uniform std of 90-120 minutes D2B in all STEMI cases ? Why is this disparity?

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5 Cardiologists said this is not a STEMI. But was it an OMI?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Over the next few hours, four other general cardiologists "signed off on the initial ECG without recognizing STEMI." Learning Points: STEMI criteria misses 25-40% of OMI, like this case for example. A millimeter definition of acute STEMI should not be needed to justify the need for prompt cardiac catheterization.

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Saddleback ST Elevation. Is it STEMI? Is it type II Brugada?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Saddleback ST Elevation is almost never STEMI 2. An inverted P-wave in lead V2 implies lead misplacement too high Saddleback in STEMI: Here are the only 2 ECGs with V2 "saddleback" that I have ever seen which really represented an LAD Occlusion: Anatomy of a Missed LAD Occlusion (classified as a NonSTEMI) A Very Subtle LAD Occlusion.T-wave

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Chest pain, resolved. Does it need emergent cath lab activation (some controversy here)? And much much more.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Patient still not having chest pain however this is more concerning for OMI/STEMI. Wellens' syndrome is a syndrome of Transient OMI (old terminology would be transient STEMI). As far as I can tell, there is only one randomized trial of immediate vs. delayed intervention for transient STEMI. Labs ordered but not yet drawn.