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ECG Blog #402 — Will Adenosine Convert This?

Ken Grauer, MD

MY Thoughts on the ECG in Figure-1: When faced with a challenging cardiac arrhythmia — It is a "luxury" to have access to a long lead rhythm strip containing 3 simultaneously -recorded leads. PEARL # 2: When the rate of AFib is rapid — this irregular tachycardia may look regular when it is not. QUESTIONS: Is the rhythm AVNRT or AVRT?

Blog 151
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ECG Blog #425 — Are there P Waves?

Ken Grauer, MD

NOTE: For more on ECG recognition of RVH and/or pulmonary hypertension ( re the qR pattern in lead V1 ) — See ECG Blog #234 and Blog #248. P utting I t A ll T ogether: At this point in my assessment of today's rhythm — I fully acknowledge that I did not know for certain the etiology of this arrhythmia.

Blog 120
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ECG Blog #371 — Palpitations Since Childhood.

Ken Grauer, MD

M Y T houghts on the ECG in Figure-1: I have presented similar ECGs to the one in today's tracing on several occasions ( most recently in ECG Blog #284 ). M y I MPRESSION : The rhythm in Figure -1 is almost certain to be very rapid AFib in a patient with WPW. The patient was hemodynamically stable in association with this rhythm. (

Blog 78
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ECG Blog #366 — Diltiazem didn't work.

Ken Grauer, MD

By the P s, Q s, 3 R Approach ( See ECG Blog #185 ): Regarding R egularity — the rhythm is irregularly irregular. As a result — IF the 1 lead you are monitoring happens to be one in which P waves are not well seen — then you might assume the irregular rhythm in front of you was AFib. ECG Blog #199 — for Review of M AT.

Blog 78
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ECG Blog #364 — VT in Need of Cardioversion?

Ken Grauer, MD

These findings suggest that instead of VT — the rhythm in Figure-1 is AFib with a fairly rapid ventricular response. Since the rhythm is supraventricular (ie, AFib ) — we can accurately assess QRS morphology. Given a lack of prior history — I don’t know if the AFib on ECG #1 is ( or is not ) a new finding.

Blog 78
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ECG Blog #385 — This Patient Arrested Soon After

Ken Grauer, MD

By the P s , Q s , 3 R Approach ( See ECG Blog #185 ): The rhythm in Figure-1 is clearly not R egular. PEARL #2: As cited in ECG Blog #252 — my favorite truism in arrhythmia interpretation is, "The commonest cause of a pause is a blocked PAC". ECG Blog #199 and ECG Blog #366 — for Review of M AT.

Blog 78
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ECG Blog #417 — AFib with Aberrancy?

Ken Grauer, MD

Given the irregular irregularity of beats #4-through 17 — Is this a run of AFib ( A trial Fib rillation ) with aberrant conduction? This raises the question if beats #4-thru-17 might represent a run of AFib with aberrant conduction? For more on fusion beats — See ECG Blog #128 and Blog #129 ). See ECG Blog #133 ).

Blog 130