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What does the angiogram show? The Echo? The CT coronary angiogram? How do you explain this?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

MINOCA may be due to: coronary spasm, coronary microvascular dysfunction, plaque disruption, spontaneous coronary thrombosis/emboli , and coronary dissection; myocardial disorders, including myocarditis, takotsubo cardiomyopathy, and other cardiomyopathies. This is in spite of the known proclivity of tighter stenoses to thrombose.

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Upon arrival to the emergency department, a senior emergency physician looked at the ECG and said "Nothing too exciting."

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

MINOCA may be due to: coronary spasm, coronary microvascular dysfunction, plaque disruption, spontaneous coronary thrombosis/emboli , and coronary dissection. link] We know that most type 1 acute MI due to plaque rupture and thrombosis occurs in lesions that are less than 50% (see Libby reference). Lindahl et al.

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