Remove 2019 Remove Chest Pain Remove Ischemia
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A 29 year old male with chest pain, ST Elevation, and very elevated troponin T

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

By Magnus Nossen This ECG is from a young man with no risk factors for CAD, he presented with chest pain. The patient is a young adult male with chest pain. The chest pain was described as pressure like and radiation to both arms and the jaw. How would you assess this ECG? What is your next step?

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A man in his 50s with acute chest pain who is lucky to still be alive.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Sent by Magnus Nossen MD, written by Pendell Meyers A man in his 50s, previously healthy, developed acute chest pain. The primary care physician there evaluated this patient and deemed the chest pain to be due to gastrointestinal causes. Clinical Cardiology 2019. No troponins were measured!

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Three prehospital ECGs in patients with chest pain

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Magnus Nossen with Edits by Grauer and Smith The ECGs in today’s case are from 3 different patients all presenting with new-onset CP ( Chest Pain ). In any case, the ECG is diagnostic of severe ischemia and probably OMI. All ECGs were recorded by EMS, and transferred to a PCI capable center for evaluation.

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Four patients with chest pain and ‘normal’ ECG: can you trust the computer interpretation?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Jesse McLaren Four patients presented with chest pain. Other signs of OMI that complement the ECG include new regional wall motion abnormalities and refractory ischemia References 1. 2019 ; 54 : 79 - 81. Hughes KE , Lewis SM , Katz L , Jones J. Acad Emerg Med. 2017 ; 24 ( 1 ): 120 - 124 2. Am J Emerg Med.

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A young peripartum woman with Chest Pain

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

[link] A 30 year-old woman was brought to the ED with chest pain. She had given birth a week ago, and she had similar chest pain during her labor. She attributed the chest pain to anxiety and stress, saying "I'm just an anxious person." This strongly suggests reperfusing RCA ischemia.

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A Middle-Aged male with Chest Pain and an Unusual ECG

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The patient presented with chest pain. Followup ECG: No Change Absence of evolution is the best evidence against ischemia as the etiology. I was taught that the tell-tale sign of ischemia vs an electrical abnormality was in the hx, i.e. chest pain for the ischemia and potential syncope for brugada.

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Teenager with chest pain and slightly elevated troponin. What happens then?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This is a previously healthy male teenager who was awoken by chest pain. The pain is described as located in the midsternal area, radiating to the right arm, described as 8-9/10 and worse with deep inspirations. In the evening, he became diaphoretic and complained of 9/10 continuous chest pain.