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ECG Blog #412 — Is Cardiac Cath Indicated?

Ken Grauer, MD

That said — distinction between "classic" HCM vs the apical HCM for m may be useful because: i ) ECG findings tend to be different ( Lyon et al — Europace 20:102-112iii, 2018 ) ; — ii ) Echo appearance is different when hypertrophy localizes to the apex; and , iii ) There is a significantly greater incidence of AFib with apical HCM.

Blog 160
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A teenager involved in a motor vehicle collision with abnormal ECG

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Hopefully a repeat echocardiogram will be performed outpatient. Other Arrhythmias ( PACs, PVCs, AFib, Bradycardia and AV conduction disorders — potentially lethal VT/VFib ). Systolic function normal by visual assessment only, unable to visualize well for further characterization. 1900: RBBB and LAFB are almost fully resolved.

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Noisy, low amplitude ECG in a patient with chest pain

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

While awaiting transfer to the cath lab, STAT echocardiogram was performed and showed LVEF 30-35%, as well as anterior, inferior, and apical hypokinesis, and apical thrombus. The April 6, 2023 post — excessive baseline artifact misdiagnosed as AFib ( instead of sinus rhythm with AV Wenckebach — as in Figure-4 in this post ).

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90 year old with acute chest and epigastric pain, and diffuse ST depression with reciprocal STE in aVR: activate the cath lab?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

See this case: what do you think the echocardiogram shows in this case? With the history of Afib, CTA abdomen was ordered to r/o mesenteric ischemia vs ischemic colitis vs small bowel obstruction. Can J of Cardiol 2018, 34: 132-145 Here are some other cases: LVH, LBBB, RBBB, and RVH may manifest ST depression without any ischemia!

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Patient in Single Vehicle Crash: What is this ST Elevation, with Peak Troponin of 6500 ng/L?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

An echocardiogram was done. Other Arrhythmias ( PACs, PVCs, AFib, Bradycardia and AV conduction disorders — potentially lethal VT/VFib ). 72; Issue 9; 2018 ) — A ) Brugada-1 ECG pattern, showing coved ST-segment elevation ≥2 mm in ≥1 right precordial lead, followed by a negative T-wave. — Is there also Brugada?