Remove 2009 Remove Ischemia Remove STEMI
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Which patient has the more severe chest pain?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Methods and Results Patients with confirmed ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated by emergency medical services were included in this retrospective cohort analysis of the AVOID study. Greater severity of chest pain is presumed to be associated with a stronger likelihood of a true positive STEMI diagnosis. years old ± 13.7

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Precordial ST depression. What is the diagnosis?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Precordial ST depression may be subendocardial ischemia or posterior STEMI. If you thought it might be a posterior STEMI, then you might have ordered a posterior ECG [change leads V4-V6 around to the back (V7-V9)]. I have warned in the past that one must think of other etiologies of ischemia when there is tachycardia.

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Diffuse Subendocardial Ischemia on the ECG. Left main? 3-vessel disease? No!

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Clinical Course The paramedic activated a “Code STEMI” alert and transported the patient nearly 50 miles to the closest tertiary medical center. DISCUSSION: The 12-lead EKG EMS initially obtained for this patient showed severe ischemia, with profound "infero-lateral" ST depression and reciprocal ST elevation in lead aVR.

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Middle Aged Woman with Asystolic Cardiac Arrest, Resuscitated: Cath Lab?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

This ECG is diagnostic of diffuse subendocardial ischemia. Note that they finally have laid to rest the new or presumably new LBBB as a criteria for STEMI. Also note that they allow ST depression c/w posterior MI to be a STEMI equivalent. We studied this and published the abstract below in 2010. Kurkciyan et al.

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Target Acquired

EMS 12-Lead

Figure 1-1 My colleague, a faithful student of ECG interpretation, handed me the tracing and said that it warranted STEMI activation because of apparent terminal QRS distortion (TQRSD) in V2. ASA 324mg was administered while a STEMI activation was simultaneously transmitted to the nearest PCI center. Attached is the first ECG.

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Physical Examination as a Helpful Aid in Decision-Making in Challenging ECGs

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Learning Point: Concordant ST segment elevation can arise from profound ischemia triggered by ventricular tachycardia (VT), or it may represent an exaggerated basal ST change accompanying tachycardia. The patient rapidly regained consciousness, reporting no residual pain. A peak troponin level of 70 ng/L was observed.